Author Topic: The New Age Of Women  (Read 2255 times)

Locked Boi

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The New Age Of Women
« on: July 12, 2022, 09:14:26 am »
(I wish this is not only a fiction but a prophecy of our future world!)

The 1970's, 80's and 90's a quiet revolution was underway, and it began in the classroom. It had been known since the 1960's that girls did better than boys at school and educators deliberately made exams harder for girls in order to maintain the illusion that boys were better students. From the 1980's, the genders were put on a level playing field and took the same exams. Affimative action to get girls more interested in science and maths was implemented. The girls stepped up to the plate and hit an instant and enduring home run. From 1988, girls consistently outperformed boys at every level of education, a lead that has never been relinquished. 

As a result, more girls than ever went to university and by the late 1990's for the first time ever comprised the majority of university undergraduates. This fed into the workplace, with more female graduates than before getting well paid jobs. The number of households where the wife was the main breadwinner increased significantly. 

Women also became more active in sports and athletics during this era. 
Over the same period, the nature of the economy in the western world had changed radically, with the dramatic shrinkage of the manufacturing industries that had employed and generously paid a large number of men and an increase in service industries, which relied on communication skills, where women held the advantage. Former male miners and factory workers found themselves on the scrapheap, whilst their wives became the breadwinners. Going into the mines or becoming a skilled factory worker, all well paid jobs, were the fall back positions for those boys who were not academically gifted, but now those jobs had gone.   

It was no longer a man's world. 
Female Ascendant (2000 - 2024) 

The success of girls in the education system accelerated dramatically and of all girls taking exams they took 75% of the top grades of school and college grades compared to 65% of boys who took the exams. Girls outnumbered boys in universities by 6:4, with the drop out rate amongst boys higher than that of girls. Male graduates found it harder than their female contemporaries to find work. 

Female graduates flooded the previously male dominated professions of medicine, the legal profession, dentistry, finance and accountancy. Male representation in those professions shrank rapidly as fewer male graduates filtered through. 

In the education system and in the workplace, males were still relying on male privilege to hand them degrees and well paid, high status jobs on a silver platter, but suddenly, that was not going to happen any longer and it only gradually dawned on males that they would have to do better to earn degrees and jobs by merit alone, on the same basis as females, who were doing better than them in the education system. 

In the home, increasingly numbers of households depended on the income of a woman, rather than that of a man, to survive. A significant number of men had become househusbands, financially dependent upon their female partner, and taking on the traditionally female roles of homemaker and child carer. 

Women were becoming increasingly interested in sports, such as soccer, swimming, rowing and cricket. Men were becoming, conversely, less inclined towards physical pursuits, preferring to follow their favourite team on television in the pub. As a result, women were gaining competitive skills and physical strength and endurance, whilst men were losing their competitive instincts and were losing their physical superiority over women by sedentary activity. 

The killer punch to male dominance came in 2008-09 with the worst recession since the Wall Street Crash in 1929. 85% of the jobs lost as a result of that recession were those of males. Males always fared worse than females in the recessions of the past, but this was something else, and in early 2010, women became the majority of the US workforce for the first time ever. The number of households where the woman was the primary wage earner rose sharply and, correspondingly, so did the number of househusbands. 

As women pointed out, the "He-cession" had been man-made, for it was the recklessness and cavalier attitude of the male dominated banks that had caused it and women all over the world began to question the wisdom of entrusting the management of the economy to males. 

The traditional gender roles were being reversed. 

The Transition (2024 - 2029) 

America had its first female President, but the impetus for change did not come from the Oval Office. The Senate and Congress were still largely populated by men, which inhibited the President's freedom of action. 

Change was happening in the schools, colleges, universities, offices, shops and factories. Girls were still outperforming boys at every level in the education system. Educators now tried desperately to implement affirmative action in favour of boys. But they found that it was too little, too late. 

Girls had conquered boys academically. Girls were also defeating boys on the sports field as they formed their own soccer, basketball, baseball and ice hockey teams and proceeded to demolish the boys' teams. Girls were generally fitter, more agile, faster both in body and mind and more focused. The boys tended to underestimate the girls and were more easily distracted. 

Dejected and stunned, the boys left the field to their female victors. 

Female sports would become the mainstream, whilst male accomplishment would be of secondary interest, as women's sports had once been. 
Girls had proven their superiority to boys on both an intellectual and even a physical level. Boys, discouraged by their defeat, seemed to lack the resources to bounce back and recover lost ground. Retreat in the classroom and the sportsfield seemed to be the preferred option, rather than admit that they were inferior to their female peers and trying to be the best that they could be. 
As men lost their jobs, more women were employed into the service industries, and more men found themselves ensconced into the role of homemaker. Women, focused on efficiency and productivity, adopted suits. Some women were already insisting that their male spouse adopt more feminine clothing and behaviour, and, as women held the power in the relationship, men were obliged to obey, albeit reluctantly. 
Up until this point, chastity had been a game between adult males and females. However, the New World with it's energy crises, population increases, stretched resources, STD's, **** and out-of-control underage pregnancies, lead mothers to seek new ways of protecting their teenage sons. Many merely sought to protect their young sons from becoming teenage fathers, seduced by young girls and forced into early marriage. Also, women's natural dislike of male **** and the knowledge of how this could be prevented all led to chastity. Leading femdom books advocated locking sons in chastity and very quickly this entered into the mainstream of women's society. 
Young boys from 12 to 16 - and later up to 18, had their ****'s locked in chastity devices. In order to prevent prostate health problems, the boys were masturbated, or in some cases milked via their prostate, once a week. Of course a side-effect of these actions was that the boys became very very compliant, and very close indeed to their mothers. They were willing to put up with the discomfort in exchange for being wanked off weekly. 
Fashion houses and mainstream retail fashion outlets picked up on the trend towards the feminisation of male clothing and the masculinisation of female attire and produced suits and plain underwear and flat shoes for women and dresses, skirts, lingerie, high heels and accessories for men. It became acceptable for men to wear dresses and skirts. The transition in dress was not easy for the males, who were forced to recognise that they had switched places with the women and that females had become the dominant sex. 
Women were completely dominant in medicine, the law and business and held the top positions. Men employed in those areas held the most junior positions, in support of their female bosses. Almost all nurses and secretaries were male and were required to dress in the traditional fashion for their roles. Politics and religion remained the only arenas where women were not in control, but it was only a matter of time before the fossilised politicians retired or died, and allowed a woman to replace him. The Church was irrelevant, for now, as securing temporal power was the key objective. 
As the movement(chastity) grew and became more and more socially acceptable, almost overnight, underage pregnancies, ****, male **** amongst teenagers and teenage marriages disappeared. 
So dramatic and quick were the effects that Legislation quickly followed the earlier voluntary chastity culminating in The Male Chastity Act of 2034 in which all single males were required to have their **** and balls locked in a chastity device. It was later said that this single far reaching Act irreversibly transformed the world forever. it was also said that the 3 women who instigated the Act dealt a blow for womankind that would never be surpassed. 
Within the Act: 

* 'Key holders' had to be female. In fact there was no key as such, the locking mechanism used much more sophisticated systems. Nevertheless, the person in charge had to be female, and she could authorise removal of the device either personally or by giving the code to another female. 

* Any male found not in chastity faced a year locked in a Government device without reprieve. This prevented men forcing women to unlock them permanently. ‘Inspections’ could be instantly requested by any female aged 12 or older. 
Urged on by the early benefits of the Chastity Act, women then demanded that their married partners were also included. The Act was amended in 2036 to include all men without exception. As a result of this amendment -which was marginally voted in, men became much more attentive and obedient, fearing long periods of complete denial. Later reports found that some men were locked permanently for years at a time. 
Under the amended Act, females could demand instant inspections without question, and most took advantage of this. In fact a 12 year old daughter could ask her father to prove that he was locked in a chastity device and he would have to comply by dropping his pants and showing himself. Refusal meant long periods of denial, 3 months was deemed to be a minimum.
In order to make the wearing of the Chastity device comfortable for men, they began to shave their genitals. In a complete reversal of previous trends, women began to grow their pubic hair and the Japanese in particular led a fashion change for straight pubic hairs sparking off a major sales drive for hair straightening products led by AfroCaribean companies. 
Around the same time it was discovered that the wearing of tights and panties amongst women were causing many health problems, and a trend towards wearing nothing under a very loose skirt or dress quickly took hold. Women no longer feared men taking advantage of their nakedness and further trends led to much shorter and more see through clothes. 
By this point, women had completely abandoned any tendency towards femininity, and males were being encouraged and conditioned towards adopting femininity. Younger males could adapt to the new reality, but older men, brought up to be masculine, could not contenance such a proposal. Those men who could not adapt to the new reality found themselves left behind, unemployable (since they would not adopt the feminine dress jobs employers now demanded of their male employees) and divorced by their wives, for non-compliance to her wish that he accept his new role as the more feminine partner in their relationship. 
By now, it was the male who was becoming a sex object in the eyes of the dominant female, and pornography, media advertising and the sex industry, which had formerly catered for the tastes of men by exploiting women, went into complete reverse by catering for the needs of women by exploiting men. 
On every street, it was now normal to see women striding about in suits, with short hair, hairy bodies and no cosmetics whatsoever. Men could be seen mincing about in high heeled shoes, in a skirt or dress, hosiery or bare depilated legs, carrying a handbag and wearing jewellery and make up. If children were seen, it was invariably the male who was looking after them. Young girls wore jeans, trainers and T-shirts and walked around as if they ruled the world (which, in a sense, they did) whilst their brothers wore crop tops which exposed their midriff and mini-skirts which showed off their legs and exposed a delicate hint of their lacy underwear. Boys wore their hair long and had their ears pierced from an early age. Boys tended to be docile and followed the lead of their sisters. 
Boys and girls by this time found it to be completely normal for girls to be trousered and totally confident and assertive, whilst boys wore the skirts and were gentle and submissive little flowers. Girls, as a result of their masculine upbringing and as a result of athletic programmes at school in favour of raising the fitness and physical strength of girls, programmes which were not available to the boys, became physically stronger than most boys and could easily put a boy in his place either verbally, or, if the boy was particularly outspoken, physically. Girls were constantly taking parts in all kinds of sports, whilst the boys were completely marginalised and reduced to either being merely spectators or waving their pom-poms and wiggling their mini-skirted bottoms as part of an all male cheerleading squad. 
Gradually more nudity came into society. Since all men were locked, places such as swimming baths and on beaches became nudist areas. This of course was sheer torture for the men, with naked women everywhere and yet unable to even have a tiny ****. The women in contrast could see every shaven **** locked. 
By the 2030's, what was once unthinkable was now reality. The traditional gender roles and dress had been completely reversed. 
« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 09:27:57 am by daniel3658 »

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Locked Boi

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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2022, 09:23:21 am »
Gender War (2030 -2053) 

In the western world, women were in complete control and males had become feminised. In the east, places such as asia and the middle east, male-dominated society had been largely untouched by the radical changes that had taken place in the west.

The leaders of the asian states, appalled at what had been done to their brothers in the west, protested by launching trade wars against the west. It was, they said, a perversion of nature for women to hold power and they reacted by embargoing western goods and products and by refusing to trade with any country where women were clearly the dominant sex. 

This action threatened to put the world economy into crisis. This was completely unacceptable to the USA and the incumbent President, Alexandra Houston, delivered an ultimatum to the leaders of the eastern powers. Either resume normal trade relations or face war. In a strongly worded speech, President Houston condemned the actions of the male-dominated, ego driven leaders of the eastern powers and stated that this was a prime example of why men should never be allowed to hold public office. 

The eastern powers did not back down and hostilities ensued. Unlike any previous conflict though, the female dominated western armed forces were engaging the male dominated eastern armed forces. The battle of the sexes was literally taking place on actual battlefields as men and women fought each other in hand to hand combat and with weapons. 

In general, the female soldier, sailor or airman of the west was fitter, more intelligent and more efficient than their eastern counterparts, and the western powers enjoyed some early successes, but the terriotory of the eastern powers was simply too vast for any campaign to be a short one. The war rumbled on for years and the west lamented when young women were brought home in body bags and cheered when girls were awarded medals for bravery or were seen leading captured male soldiers of the opposing side off into captivity. 

The war lasted some twenty years and was more a localised war than an actual world war, but the result was never really in doubt. The western powers overran India, south-east asia and southern China but by then, the war weary populations of the east rebelled against their masters. The leaders of the revolts were women, long - term campaigners for equal rights, and these women became the new rulers of the east once the male rulers had been deposed. The west pumped in substantial financial aid to the new governments of the east in support of their policies to empower women and feminise men. It would take considerable time, but the status quo between the genders that existed in the west would be mirrored in the east. 

The complete role reversal of the genders, once confined to the west, had now become world wide. 

Equilibrium (2054) 

Now that the dust had settled from both the battle of the sexes and from the gender war, it was back to business as usual in the female dominated west. The vast majority of survivors from the old world where men ruled were long since dead and those who were left were regarded as curiousities. Female students used them for oral history for their dissertations.

Most people alive in 2054 could not envisage a world where women were not the dominant sex. Everyone knew, and were taught, that women were far more intelligent, fitter, stronger, more emotionally stable and had better leadership skills than a mere male. It was completely natural that women held all of the most important jobs and were the undisputed heads of their households and held all of the nation's wealth. 

It was quite unthinkable that a man should hold any position of authority. It was well known that the judgement of all males was too clouded by testostorene and male- ego to be relied upon. After all, history was littered with all of the wars and economic crises that men had caused, bringing misery to millions. Under sensible, level-headed female guidance, the world would never experience war or economic crisis again. 

Skirted and prettifed males were confined to the only tasks that they were fit for. Keeping a woman's house, looking after her childen , and, for those who worked, supporting women bosses as secretaries, cleaners and nurses. 

By 2050, a mere 16 years since the Act, single men were often virgins well into their 30's, and subject to the control of their mothers. Being supervised in the shower having their CB temporarily removed to wash their bare **** and balls in front of their mothers gave a delight to many women. 

Courting couples had to ask his mother to remove the CB in order to have sex - it was usual for the girl to ask her prospective mother-in-law, and this led to more virgin marriages than ever before. Single men had to have their mothers as key holders whereas husbands had key holding wives, and this again led to a complete reversal and massive increase in early marriages unknown since the 1920's. 

Married men were brought to heel immediately after marriage, often based on what was called 5-1 ie for every five orgasms she received he was allowed one. Usually after their 7th wedding anniversary this was changed to 10-1 to keep his interest. Very quickly women became used to having their ****’s licked on demand at a moments notice until they had achieved at least two orgasms. The days of a man rolling of his wife after sex were gone too, the man required to perform ‘clean up’ service upon his wife immediately after he had cum inside her. 

Divorced men had a dreaded choice: return under their mother's control or remain under their ex wife. Not an easy choice even assuming their mother was still alive. Appeals to have keyholder’s transferred were a lengthy process, during which the Chastity device remained locked. 

Keyholder’s were formerly a young boy's mother from the age of 12, and this did not change unless he got married, in which case the keyholder became his wife. Of course, it became common practice for a mother or wife to delegate keyholder responsibilities to other females in their absence. A mother for instance might delegate her responsibility to the male’s sister regardless of her age. If the mother died then responsibility lay with the eldest female in the family. Many single men well into their 30’s and even 40’s were only allowed release from their chastity device when their sisters allowed it. Of course, the sister may be married herself, but it was her legal responsibility and duty to manage her brother’s Chastity. Of course, she may delegate this to one of her other sisters, if she so desired. 

Very quickly a great deal of trust between women developed. Women frequently accepted requests from other women that their own husband be denied because he had caused the woman some upset. In fact this led to the initial Flogging statute of 2046. 

Some weak women of course didn’t lock their men up. Ultimately they were discovered and reprimanded, but it seemed that a more suitable punishment was needed or else the whole movement would be undermined. Women who did not adhere to the Chastity Act were liable to be flogged, and from this the Act was passed early in 2046. Later amendments –of which there were many, gave women the right to spank or flog other women who had transgressed the law and infringed their personal rights or liberty. The incident which in fact triggered the Flogging Act, occurred when a young woman released her husband who was subsequently found playing with himself near a school for girls. 

The wife who had released her husband, when challenged and threatened with prosecution offered to be punished by the women who saw and reported the incident. The wife was stripped naked and her hands tied to a rope hung from the ceiling, and she was then flogged with a multi strand whip made of leather thongs. In attendance were several women whose daughters attended the local school. The wife was whipped back and front and her breasts were given particular attention by the woman who was in fact several years younger than her. The term ‘given a thonging’ soon gained rapid use after this and led to the Act itself.

Prisoners suffered terribly initially, with no chance of release until their sentence was up. However, with the new powers given to Prison Governors, a brilliant idea was established. Prisoners could ‘volunteer’ to earn money by offering their services to lick the ****’s of women for a fee of £10. In special city centre locations, they were secured and their ****’s unlocked as a special treat, although of course they couldn’t touch it them selves. The woman paid her fee and squatted over the prisoners face and he licked her **** until she was satisfied. In return, many women wanked the prisoner to the brink if he’d done a good job, but rarely let him pass over into orgasm. The idea caught on quickly and the Government took 75% of the fee, thus earning money for the country. 

Female rule had become completely accepted by men, who were taught in the classroom of the superiority of the female over the male and as witnessed on the sportsfield where female athletes performed feats of strength and athletic prowess that no male could equal.

Man, who had once felt his masculinity threatened by a woman who earned more than him or could do something better than he could, had been forced by circumstances and by conditioning to abandon masculinity and to adopt femininity. By 2054, male femininity had become the norm and the male had accepted his inferior status. 

The transition of the male into femininity had been painful and uncomfortable, but by 2054, had become an established fact and the new gender roles had become stabilised and were regarded as being completely natural. 

With women and men now in their proper roles, the future for mankind was bright - and it was female. 

World peace had arrived, courtesy of the chastity of men desperate for an orgasm.
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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2022, 09:49:15 am »
Beautiful if only in my lifetime
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Locked Boi

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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2022, 11:33:42 am »
The superior female will lead us into this bright future!!
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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2022, 05:08:56 pm »
It is happening!  Just not fast enuff!
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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2022, 11:54:04 pm »
This is Amazing! Especially for someone who belongs to one of those Eastern countries I'd really like Strong Women to conquer our Corrupt and pathetic Male leaders and establish Gynarchy here and put all the Men in Skirts!. As a Feminized man myself I will do anything in my power to Support my Female leader. Women should lead in the World in every aspect.
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Locked Boi

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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2022, 03:01:44 am »
This is Amazing! Especially for someone who belongs to one of those Eastern countries I'd really like Strong Women to conquer our Corrupt and pathetic Male leaders and establish Gynarchy here and put all the Men in Skirts!. As a Feminized man myself I will do anything in my power to Support my Female leader. Women should lead in the World in every aspect.

Superior female will rule in government, company, school and family,
while inferior malettes at their mercy, forced to wear bras, mini skirts, chastity cages and lockedable heels!!
« Last Edit: July 14, 2022, 04:05:26 am by daniel3658 »
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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2022, 08:53:31 am »
Actually you have missed the point!  There not be any forcing involved as the males will compete to be as feminine as and girlie as possible so that they can be the lucky sissies selected by the most superior and most empowered females!
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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2022, 01:17:21 pm »
Some advice. For those pushing Gynarchy. Please refrain from using words like "forced" and "superior". You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2022, 04:38:38 am »
Some advice. For those pushing Gynarchy. Please refrain from using words like "forced" and "superior". You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Good point, these words tend to scare many there are times when they make sense to use other times more less scary words work. For a while I prefer the terms Gender Liberated, Gender Evolved or Gender Enlighten.
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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2022, 01:59:54 pm »
I think in some of my replies. People get the wrong idea that I'm against Gynarchy, feminization, etc. What I am for are couples living the life that makes them happy. If two people agree to a FLR/FLM Lifestyle. More power to them. Personally, I enjoy being in the company of a feminized male. Not so much sexually. But I find the Lifestyle appealing. What I'm against are forcing an alternate Lifestyle onto someone. Especially if that someone is a minor. I do not think Gynarchy will become mainstream anytime soon. If ever. But who knows? I've been wrong before. On a side note, I responded to a Group Post on another site. Subject was the rising birthrate in Africa. Below is an excerpt of my reply.

"I think there are many issues facing the African populace. A growing population is one of many. Women seem to be bearing the brunt of the problems. There is no easy solution. I do think it would help if women were empowered there.  Perhaps a gynarchy should be established. The men aren't doing so good. Something drastic is needed"
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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2022, 02:00:56 pm »
I am hoping for a 2030 as FABULOUS as you just described.

Yours Truly,
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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2022, 04:55:50 am »
What I'm against are forcing an alternate Lifestyle onto someone

IMHO you are missing the point of this forum. We are all about redefining the gender roles with the goals of complete gender reversal with women in absolute control and males being the soft pretty feminine gender. Our views are radical and certainly not going mainstream tomorrow. Things are changing in a positive direction thou there is much work ahead.

The terminology you use is interesting and something to think about "alternate Lifestyle". What is non-alternate normal lifestyle? Cisgender heterosexuality with males in control? Coming from a radical POV I would say that is the hell men have put women through for the last million years or so. This has always be the "alternate Lifestyle" that men have used to control us. The traditional normal lifestyle was not what women wanted for too long we allowed it to happen. Now that we are gaining power you are seeing it crumble it only last this long because women kept it running while men took all the glory. The times are changing we are no longer the "alternate Lifestyle"!

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Locked Boi

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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2022, 06:47:19 am »
What I'm against are forcing an alternate Lifestyle onto someone

IMHO you are missing the point of this forum. We are all about redefining the gender roles with the goals of complete gender reversal with women in absolute control and males being the soft pretty feminine gender. Our views are radical and certainly not going mainstream tomorrow. Things are changing in a positive direction thou there is much work ahead.

The terminology you use is interesting and something to think about "alternate Lifestyle". What is non-alternate normal lifestyle? Cisgender heterosexuality with males in control? Coming from a radical POV I would say that is the hell men have put women through for the last million years or so. This has always be the "alternate Lifestyle" that men have used to control us. The traditional normal lifestyle was not what women wanted for too long we allowed it to happen. Now that we are gaining power you are seeing it crumble it only last this long because women kept it running while men took all the glory. The times are changing we are no longer the "alternate Lifestyle"!


Totally agree!!
Whether us malettes accept it or not, the future will definitely be gynarchy world!
We can use less scary terms to discuss but in the end, malettes will always be at strong female's mercy! ;)
« Last Edit: July 16, 2022, 10:35:17 am by daniel3658 »
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Re: The New Age Of Women
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2022, 06:37:43 am »
I am hoping for a 2030 as FABULOUS as you just described.

Yours Truly,

More realistically the next ten years will be critical step in our journey to Femtopia. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of work ahead. What is promising is the attitude of younger generation they are more open to gender expression than any other generations. I firmly believe within the next ten years male femininity will continue to be more openly expressed. Will all males be in skirts by 2030. No, feminine dress and behavior being "Main streamed" for men and boys quite possible yes and once this door is open we need to ensure it never closes again.

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