An important topic - thank you for addressing it - SissysWife and Miss ATT (of course all other Sissys too).
Please correct me if I'm wrong - even if I'm grammatically wrong, my retraining to baby girl is progressing.
But I've noticed for some time that only about 10 to 15 users post something here. Why is that? Maybe because some sissys think they don't need to work on themselves. But there is always something that can be improved. Or you don't want to put your mind to it - but then I wonder - do you want to be a sissy - are you a forced sissy - but don't want to be a sissy?
I've learned over the years of my upbringing that the age of the educators doesn't matter - it's important that they are authorized by Mommy. I am raised by mommy and granny to be a good behaved sissy. But also from the girls of the family and I can say - the girls are very strict too. Example? As i started to use pacifiers, i take the pacifier sometimes out from my mouth, and a girl (two or three years old) see it and came to me and she put the pacifier back in my mouth and say - you have to use your pacifier all the time. Another example - playing with dolls, not easy for me - and they show me how i can diapering my dolls or how i can walk with a dolls stroller. Other girls teach me how i can sit in a dress or skirt - or when its diaper time (for bed or nap) and mommy, granny or aunt call all little diaper kids come to diapering, that i am going too mommy, granny or aunt because I am now one of them
In order to be a good behaved sissy for her Mistress, Wife or Mommy, it is necessary to deal objectively with the topic of sissy (also cuckolding).
It's not easy to put your thoughts into words, maybe some are afraid of being misunderstood? I enjoy reading other people's experiences - especially when a Mistress/Wife or Mommy writes how they motivate their sissy or how they raise them in a strict and consistent manner and how difficulties are overcome. I myself report how my upbringing was carried out over the years - it wasn't always easy for me and yes - there were also tears. In hindsight, the tears were like a kind of cleansing to prepare me for the next step. My education is step by step.
0. Pu..y free/chaste/denial - for a sissy should be clear, that her Mistress, Wife or Mommy need a real man in her bed - also someone who is persistent and potent
1. Clothes for little girls/babies in my size
1.1 Accept that mommy prefers black men
2. Moving to the guest room/little girls/baby room
2.1 No longer address Mommy by her first name - only with mommy
3. Back in diapers
3.1 Mommy is no longer allowed to kiss on the mouth, only on the cheek like little girls do
3.2 Accept that mommy can choose all black men for - how she like
4. Pacifiers/Baby Bottles
4.1 Strict bedtimes (Mommy and daddy need time for themselves)
5. Grow out hair/little girls hairstyles
6. TV shows for little girls
7. Soundsystem goes to a boy in black family (he had his first day of school) - I got his baby fisherprice tape recorder
8. Sitting in the back of the car
8.1 Being out and about in sissy clothes (I can't do otherwise as my other clothes and belongings were thrown in the trash)
8.2 Granny (daddy's mom) is bringing up me also strict and consequently
8.3 Have to address all sisters or cousins from daddy with aunt
9. Anti potty training (Nights) and (Day) Pee.
9.1 Have to address all females (neighborse and saleswomen or ladies at the checkout and so on) with aunt
9.2 Anti potty training poop (also with a plug)
10. Food changed into B..y food - B..yformula1
11. Not more allowed to sit with adults at table - have to sit at toddlers/baby table or playpen
12. Naptime when we visit granny and black family. That was very embarrassing for me, because all babies and toddlers get a fresh diaper before naptime and all saw - I am now one of them.
13. Order from granny - address all blacks over 3 years with aunt or uncle - and greet them with a curts
14. Chemical castration and mommy's anti baby pill
14.1 Baptist in black church of the black family
14. Accept to go into sunday school at black church from black family and suport BNWO
14. Have to address all female church members with aunt
15. Accept that mommy and daddy are now a married couple
15.1 Accept that mommy can get pregnant from daddy and that i have to be grateful and happy about that.
15.2 Accept that the kids are not more my kids - they have now daddy as new father and they call him daddy and not more me
15.3 Have to address former daughter with aunt (she was 14 at this time)
16. Have to share baby room with my black sibling
16.1 Mommy and granny talk with my older sister about me - that i am not a real man and that i am now the little sister from mommy. II think, when my sister knows it, then my mom and others of my family know it too.
17. Start outing at Facebook and Tumblr
18. Learning baby talk/language
And a lot more