« on: October 15, 2024, 12:26:25 pm »
Part 18
I plopped down on the couch and turned on the football game. My wife came in the room and asked, what the h*ll are you doing? Watching the game, I repled. No sissy, you're not, she exclaimed. Get up off that couch! She looked me up and down disgustedly and said, you look ridiculous in those baggy boy clothes, march yourself upstairs and change out of those ridiculous boy clothes and put on one of your pretty nighties! I did as I was told and got changed. I came back downstairs and she looked me up and down again. Much better sissy, she said.I don't want to see you in that boy costume in this house again. We need to get you some new clothes more suitable for a sissy pansy like you. What?? I said, I'm not wearing girl's clothes, you said I could still wear my normal clothes! Your time is limited sissy, no boy clothes in this house, she said. Here's how this is going to go today. We are going to watch chick flicks, I am going to show you how to paint your toenails, and then you are going to massage my feet and do any and everything I ask of you!
So here I sit, panties, bra, and nightie. My wife is painting my toenails pink and I am fielding texts from my friends about why I am not watching football with them. What in the h*ll is happening to me?? I AM a sissy pansy....more to come.