Author Topic: Post From Elsewhere  (Read 747 times)


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Post From Elsewhere
« on: August 23, 2021, 05:37:00 am »
Here is a posting I found elsewhere that baffles me. My comments follow the three excerpts.


Hi everyone,
It's been a bit over 9 months since I started petticoating my son chris who is now 15, along with help from my 10yo daughter, my sister and her 2 daughters.
Chris is now dressed 24-7 in diapers and baby dresses, he's got quite a collection of dresses from "binkies n bows" an online shop that makes adorable adult baby dresses.
For the first few months he was still wearing his boys uniform to school, but after covid and the lockdowns hit there school was temporarily closed, so I decided to start homeschooling him. That was around 6 months ago, and was the last time chris wore anything made for a boy or for someone his age.
I live in a small town and reactions have been mixed, there are always the people with negative comments (usually men) but most people just laugh. I take chris with me everywhere I go so by now everyone knows I dress my teenage son as a baby girl. I've kept his hair short so there's no mistaking him for a real girl.
He still hates his new life as a baby girl, and used to beg me to let him go back to being a regular boy, but I think he's starting to accept that won't be happening any time soon.
Regards, Sue
I can assure you all it's not a story, my son really lives full time as a baby girl.
I have had my countries equivalent of cps called on me, but here a parent can dress there child however they wish as long as they're not exposed or physically hurt.
***Hey Sue - did your son consent to this treatment?
Hi, no he certainly did not


The responses were overwhelmingly critical and dismissive.

1. First, it is certainly not my role to call someone else a liar or judge whether a post is fiction or not.

Why would a group of participants who allegedly support the concept of petticoating criticize a woman who claims to be petticoating her son? Perhaps they are so uncomfortable with their own lifestyle preferences that they must label them as fetishes, and presume any real life emulation must be fiction.

If we are in a post-gender world where the feminine and masculine traditions are equally applicable to both genders, there is nothing wrong with a boy wearing a dress.

2. All sorts of organizations, such as faith-based groups, require garments that are well out of mainstream fashion, and almost all subjugate women into submissive roles. A woman who has sincerely held beliefs that masculinity is inherently toxic, and that masculine males are not socially acceptable, has the right to raise her son according to her beliefs.

3. Cuteness and hyperfemininity, as practiced by Lolitas and Anime/Cosplay buffs, is a legitimate lifestyle. Nothing should suggest that this lifestyle is exclusive to females. The singer Melanie Martinez wears binkies and bows dresses as a fashion statement. It is a look, just as legitimate as any other.

Women fought for their civil rights, the right to wear pants, and the right to have careers. Social change is slow, but once set in motion, proceeds quickly. Pushing the envelope of our social expectations can make some people feel uncomfortable. The patriarchy has taught us that women should aspire to me more like men, but we haven't yet developed a social mechanism for men who aspire to be more like women.

The post may indeed be fiction, but it is a good conversation catalyst and could be inspirational to a mom who wants to raise a boy who is comfortable with a strong female presence in his later life. Some one has to be first, and some one has to be bold.

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Re: Post From Elsewhere
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2021, 09:48:33 pm »
I stayed away from that post and the sh!t storm it created. Petticoating is a controversial subject and needs to be done with the right mix of love and discipline. Unfortunately the forum where this was posted has been infected with trolls over the last year. There have been a number of posts criticizing the forum, personally if you don't like something ignore or move onto another forum.

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