I was started by my ex- but have carried on alone although we are still friends and we talk on skype a lot. She still motivates me without saying a thing which is the big issue IMHO. It is hard work and back-sliding is easy as any dieter or New Year's Resolution maker knows. However what worked for me was:
Make a list of everything you aren't happy with in your life. This may take a week or more before you run out of things, when you do list out what would make you happy in each case. Then a plan of how to get from one to the other. Growing your hair out, feminine voice, weight loss, and clearing the baggage of a life of pretending all take time, are generally beneficial/reversible, so should be started early.
Small changes should be introduced as each becomes routine wear panties 24/7 before dumping male underwear. Always sit for the toilet even if it means waiting while out and about. Look after your skin exfoliate and moisturise, use female deodorants, go hairless below the eyebrows, and so on.
Once started you'll reach a point where you 'need' to go further and it'll get easier. Trust me I've made this journey.
When you feel you are ready develop a social life around the feminised you. There are social and support groups, chat-rooms and forums to meet like-minded people. I've had great experiences with Fetlife but YMMV. Research will be your new hobby whether investigating solutions to issues you want to overcome, hairstyles, clothing and so on. It can be done on your own but it's a lot easier with support, there will be days when you question things, that's normal, you'll find a way through as others have faced the same. Be prepared to make changes you hadn't thought of and rule nothing out.