Author Topic: What to do?  (Read 791 times)

Marcy Little

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What to do?
« on: December 06, 2023, 08:17:03 am »
Yesterday Miss Brenda instructed me to make an appointment at the dog groomer for our little dog.  She specifically instructed me to make it either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday next week.  Before leaving for work this morning, she asked me if that was done, and I told her yes and recited that it was for next Thursday at 9:30 as instructed.  She snapped at me for not listening because that is not what claimed that she told me and promised punishment when she gets home tonight for not listening.  I started to protest my innocence because those were the dates she specifically gave me, but stopped short when she gave me a mean look and told me to choose my words carefully.  I sheepishly asked if she wished me to correct the mistake, and giving me another hard look, she said that she would take care of my incompetence when they open this morning and left for work.   I am upset as I feel that I was right and am not an incompetent sissy.  Do I tell the truth that she was wrong and risk a more severe punishment or just take the punishment knowing I am right? 

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Miss ATT

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2023, 02:25:06 pm »
Marcy- I know you to be a caring and attentive sissy who both follows through when.ordered to, and to pay attention to those orders.
But there obviously is no easy way to undo Miss Brenda's decision, incorrect though it is. I would suggest just getting through it, accept any punishment, and go from there.
The basic rule of your Mistress Is Always Right is in play here and you are smart enough to let it go.
Miss ATT

Marcy Little

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2023, 02:54:26 pm »
Marcy- I know you to be a caring and attentive sissy who both follows through when.ordered to, and to pay attention to those orders.
But there obviously is no easy way to undo Miss Brenda's decision, incorrect though it is. I would suggest just getting through it, accept any punishment, and go from there.
The basic rule of your Mistress Is Always Right is in play here and you are smart enough to let it go.
Miss ATT

Miss ATT,

It is one of those tough times being a sissy to a strong lady.  My training tells me to let it go, but that little toxic male still in me is too proud to accept that I am wrong and doesn't want to admit that a mere woman should be able to arbitrarily punish that macho piece without a fight.  He is hard to control sometimes.   I  know that I am no longer a man and should never feel this way, but this is a little part that she has yet to conquer to have my complete and total subjugation, AND SHE WILL.  She will win no matter what. There is no going back for me now.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2023, 03:02:18 pm by Marcy Little »
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Re: What to do?
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2023, 08:30:43 am »
Marcy, you know the right path which is to obey your owner and take your punishment.  you say you are no longer a man. i would respectfully disagree.  you are a man, you are a more evolved man. sissies are a higher, more evolved, and better version of man. if it was me i would apologize for back talking, confess it's your toxic male ego that is still causing problems, reaffirm your committment to her leadership, ask her to punish you, and then thank her for taking the time to make you a better version of yourself. you are a lucky sissy.
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Re: What to do?
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2023, 03:18:34 pm »
It sounds to me as though you owe Miss Brenda an apology for misunderstanding her instructions along with a promise to try and improve your listening skills and the level of service you provide. After that, it is down to her as to whether there is an appropriate punishment. Well that’s pretty much how it works down this way; listening carefully before acting upon requests etc is sometimes difficult……….all a part of training.
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Marcy Little

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2023, 11:23:30 am »
An update.  I had found a note that I had written with the dates on it as she had given them to me, and resolved to show it to her in order to prove my case.  During dinner, I tentatively brought it up and handed it to her.  Miss Brenda looked at it, handed it back and said that I had simply written it down incorrectly!  The little macho man inside me had to peek out and went on a little "hissy fit" telling her how it wasn't my mistake and how unfair she was being - it all slipped out and then rolled out.  I knew at once that I was in trouble just by the look on her face.  When I finally finished,  I knew that she couldn't accept my challenge to her authority.  Long story short,  the belt was liberally applied to my bottom as the little macho man was taught a tough lesson.  After punishment, she informed me that she had already decided to forgive my scheduling error, so my rebellion was all for nothing!
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Re: What to do?
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2023, 02:21:58 pm »
Well Marcy, that should be a lesson learned 😄 My earlier advice of suggesting you need to apologise, accept whatever punishment was considered appropriate and then move on was more or less based on childhood experience of dealing with my step mother. she used to send me shopping before going to school and when I returned home there would regularly be something missing that I am quite sure she never asked for. She then punished me by making me wear one of my sister’s skirts and then I had to return to the shop to buy the missing item. when I got home with said item, she would ask if I had learned my lesson, lift my skirt sometimes and give my bottom a few whacks with whatever implement she had handy. Then it was school trousers on and off to school and I was often late for registration causing further distress. I don’t recommend or condone any of this behaviour but that is how things were in our household many decades past. The lesson I learnt as a young child was that it was totally pointless to argue with the person in charge, all it did was delay things and got me into more trouble and a striped bottom. So when I am the maid to my wife these days I am confident I do not slip into any kind of non conformist behaviour and don’t sulk; just enjoy serving her!
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Marcy Little

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2023, 12:46:20 pm »
Well Marcy, that should be a lesson learned 😄 My earlier advice of suggesting you need to apologise, accept whatever punishment was considered appropriate and then move on was more or less based on childhood experience of dealing with my step mother. she used to send me shopping before going to school and when I returned home there would regularly be something missing that I am quite sure she never asked for. She then punished me by making me wear one of my sister’s skirts and then I had to return to the shop to buy the missing item. when I got home with said item, she would ask if I had learned my lesson, lift my skirt sometimes and give my bottom a few whacks with whatever implement she had handy. Then it was school trousers on and off to school and I was often late for registration causing further distress. I don’t recommend or condone any of this behaviour but that is how things were in our household many decades past. The lesson I learnt as a young child was that it was totally pointless to argue with the person in charge, all it did was delay things and got me into more trouble and a striped bottom. So when I am the maid to my wife these days I am confident I do not slip into any kind of con conformist behaviour and don’t sulk; just enjoy serving her!

As things cooled down, I really was ready to just forget and move on until I found my note.  I fussed over it all day rehearsing the best way to present it without being disrespectful and believed that she would accept my evidence absolving me of any wrongdoing.  She took it okay until telling me that "I wrote it down wrong."  After that, my male pride kicked-in and screwed it all up.  The joke was on me because she had earlier decided to let me off with a warning versus any punishment.  Ego messed that up.  I do respect the fact that she had to quash any challenge to her authority or I would backslide in my training.  You are right, I wasn't going to win and put us both through unnecessary punishment. 
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Re: What to do?
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2024, 08:33:50 am »
Great response!
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Re: What to do?
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2024, 03:49:13 pm »
Hi Marcy,
Sissy Sarah alluded to a very pertinent point relating to your status. The subject of toxic masculine behaviour came up and that is an area where I believe many of us really fall down or fail and find it difficult to “come back”.
If you are in a full time FLR, and you are led, and taught your place, which is to serve and obey at all times, I would contend that gradually the kind of reaction and behaviour that you exhibited would disappear quite easily.
However, many of us flit between two worlds and that can cause unexpected issues, I describe myself as a part-time sissy maid and it is my wife that determines when she wants a maid and for how long she will be in service. The rest of the time she wants a male partner with all the outward signs of being what I can best describe as a “normal vanilla male”. The trouble is that as a male it is easy to slip back into some of the behaviours that our wives/girlfriends/partners are trying to correct or abolish altogether. A few nights ago we were with friends and playing a board game and during the game I argued with my wife over an outcome and then sulked and said I was not playing anymore. In male mode I am very competitive and even with games I probably take things too seriously. I know this upset my wife and something will be said about it and there will be consequences when visitors have left and we resume a mistress/maid type of relationship even if I am not dressed for the occasion. It is difficult to reconcile the different roles and especially being a male without many of what might be considered to be the traditional behaviours that we are attempting to eradicate.
Some would say the simple solution is to enter a full time FLR but that is not necessarily that easy and so when we know we have failed to live up to expectations or we have resisted, we must learn to deal with the consequences.
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