To trusted gfs and my mom! They all adore him now and are so jealous of how good I have it!
Our parents are all deceased now. If my wife had shown me off dressed as her maid
or in any other feminine finery, I think her mother would have had an immediate
heart attack.
On the other hand, I suspect my mother would have been delighted to see me in a
maid's outfit or other female clothing. You see, I was an only child. My mother had hoped
with everything to have a baby girl. She was quite disappointed to give birth to a son.
She even had a girl's name picked out. You guessed it - Ruth Ann. Mother had a very
difficult pregnancy and delivery, and she needed surgery afterward. She would never be
able to have another child.
While I had a boy's name on my birth and baptismal certificates, she pretty much raised me
as a girl, as Ruth Ann, until I was nearly four years old. I wore dresses, girl's panties, and
grew my hair long. She even gave me a perm or two. While my memory is spotty of those
early years, i loved the pretty clothing and all the attention.
And then something happened. I suspect someone complained strongly, perhaps one of
my grandmothers or an aunt. Likely not my father. He was a fine man, but of few words.
He always did whatever my mother told him to.
Perhaps someone threatened to report her to the child welfare authorities. Whatever the
case, my days as little Ruth Ann ended suddenly. I thought I was being punished for
something. I cried for days about having to wear ugly boy's clothes. I never saw those girl
clothes again. I suspect they were given away. But the love of girly things was implanted
in my mind.
Interestingly, from time to time as I grew older, my mother would wistfully ask me if I
remember when she dressed and treated me as a girl. I replied that I did remember
but I said no more. I wonder now what would have happened if I had said, "Let's do it
some more!"
When my wife and i were married, my mother told her the she now had the real daughter
she never had. And when our daughter was born, my mother said, "At last I have my baby
So yes, I think my mother would have been thrilled to see me dressed in a black pencil
skirt, see-through black blouse, and feminine underpinnings .
And truth be told, my mother kept some of her clothes in an old wardrobe in our
basement recreation room. Many was the time growing up that I would try on some of
her clothes, especially the bras and girdles, but lots of skirts and dresses too.
Maid Ruth Ann