Author Topic: Natural FLR  (Read 2475 times)


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  • 71 yrs. old sissy to wife.
  • Location: Central New York, USA
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Re: Natural FLR
« on: July 21, 2024, 03:05:44 pm »
I am an older sissy, who is disabled.  My Mistress / wife turned me into her maid long time ago.(see attached)  I loved being her sissy.  This was even before chastity gages went main stream.  Instead, she used old nylons which were tied tightly behind the head of my ****, an the ends brought up behind me and tied in front.  Very effective!  I stayed that way until she  took it off.  I am now too disabled to be her sissy.  However, I have a question.  Why are there so many men (world wide) who want to be a sissy to their wives?  My mommy would dress me up and my older sister would help.  Just curious.
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