Another Letter from the May 2007 Edition! Strong Women at work "taming" wayward males!
Dear Susan,
I am delighted to see PDQ continuing to set such high standards; the weekly updates seem to get better and better. I must particularly make mention again of the brilliant Lana, some of her recent creations have been absolutely superb, epitomising to me the very essence of petticoat discipline. I hope that we will one day see again the work of those other talented petticoat discipline illustrators, Chrissy and Eustace: their contributions are much missed. Similarly it is disappointing not to have heard more from my Letter of the Year ‘Pettie Winner’ of last year, Jaclyn. I’m sure that, like me, many readers would like to hear more from her as to how her petticoating regime has progressed with her husband (or from her mother with more memories of her college petticoating days).
I particularly refer to Jaclyn as a recent experience of mine paralleled, in many ways, the events of her superb ‘Petticoated by his Mother in Law’ letter.
I have referred in previous letters to my close friend Vanessa, who has been involved on a number of occasions in my ‘petticoating parties’ with Penelope and, as you might expect, has become a close confidant. A few weeks ago she confided in me that she was very concerned about her daughter, or more particularly, about her son-in-law, Steve. Vanessa’s daughter, Christine, was carving out a very successful career in the law but her husband of about three years, Steve, who was a self-employed electrician, did not seem to be overly busy.
Vanessa felt that Steve was perhaps freewheeling somewhat, happy to enjoy a nice lifestyle on the rewards of Christine’s long hours and success. Further, she was becoming convinced that Steve was not always filling his leisure hours innocently. Prior to his marriage he was known to have something of a reputation as a “lady’s man” and Vanessa felt that perhaps he might be slipping back into his old ways. He had even, on a recent occasion, she felt, made a guarded advance to her, disguised, of course in a playful manner, whilst doing some work at their home. I smiled, this did not totally surprise me, Vanessa is a very attractive and well-preserved 50ish lady with a nice sense of fun, that I could well see many younger men being intrigued by her charms.
As our conversation progressed I got to thinking and a plan began to form in my mind. I asked Vanessa to come into the study to my computer and, after logging in to PDQ, located Jaclyn’s letter and asked her to read it. She obviously found it amusing and looked up at me quizzically, “You don’t mean…” she started.
I smiled, “Of course I do. You know how my regime with Penelope works – well, I’m sure Jaclyn has her husband under control in just the same way. I think you have a golden opportunity to tame this young Lothario and give Christine the perfect husband”. Vanessa nodded thoughtfully and we set to hatching our plan.
Steve was due to visit her home a few days later to complete a little plumbing job that, typically, seemed to be taking forever. Vanessa would dress and act most provocatively, and if her impression about Steve was right he would take the bait and make a pass at her. She would then, of course, pretend to be horrified, fly into a tantrum accusing him of being a good-for-nothing seducer, and telling him she would make sure that her daughter threw him out of their house that night. If we judged things rightly he would eventually beg and plead forgiveness and would be grudgingly given a chance to redeem himself by an act of atonement that would involve him in taking on all his hard-pressed wife’s domestic duties…suitably attired of course.
Two days later an excited Vanessa called – all had gone according to plan. Steve had walked into her carefully baited honey trap hook, line and sinker. When she had turned on him he had attempted to bluster his way out, claiming she had deliberately led him on, but he had caved in to her determined onslaught and eventually agreed to do whatever she wanted, though when she had explained to him what she wanted he had at first refused point blank.
However, confronted again with the weakness of his position, he had, very grudgingly, agreed to submit to his penance. Vanessa then surprised me by asking me if I could meet her at her daughter’s house the following day. She explained that she was going to strike whilst the iron was hot, before Steve thought of a way out of his predicament, and start his petticoat discipline immediately. The reason for the call to me was that, due to the need for haste, she was able to provide the necessary undies for Steve but had no suitably-sized dresses or skirts for his transformation. As she felt that he was a similar size to Penelope she wondered whether I could help. I was, of course, only to pleased to do so, and we agreed that Penelope’s original pink outfit, much admired by PDQ readers, would be just right, leaving him in no doubt about his new status.
I turned up at Christine’s house the following morning in high anticipation. Vanessa greeted me looking very pleased with herself and the dress, petticoats and pinny were soon out of my hold-all and hanging in plain view in the lounge. She explained quickly to me that she intended to have Steve well into his new role as a petticoated house maid before Christine came home from work, and that she had enjoyed herself preparing the very reluctant Steve as much as possible before my arrival. With that she brusquely called Steve from the kitchen.
In he walked, looking as if he was in a state of shock at what was happening to him. I took in the scene slowly. Vanessa had done well, Steve was wearing an ivory-coloured silk negligee, through which one could see a rather old-fashioned corselette, to the suspenders of which were attached nice dark stockings, a pair of nice lacy French knickers which looked as if they matched the negligee, and a similarly lace-frilled petticoat. I could see some nicely-applied make up round his eyes and it looked as if he was wearing pale pink lipstick. He walked uncertainly in medium-heeled court shoes.
When he saw me his face creased in panic and he started to protest that he had not agreed that anyone else would be involved, but Vanessa harshly silenced him “You don’t agree to anything” she snapped “Lesley is a great friend of mine and has kindly agreed to give up her time to come here to help get you into shape. She is an expert in petticoat discipline and has even agreed to lend you a suitable costume until we can get you something of your own, so you should be grateful!”
With that she nodded her head in the direction of the costume hanging behind the door, A look of horror crossed his face “I can’t wear that,” he spluttered, panic-stricken.
“You can, and you will!” replied Vanessa simply.
Sure enough, he was soon attired in the frilly petticoat, pink skirt, and high-necked pink satin blouse with which PDQ readers will be familiar from my early pictures of Penelope. After his initial resistance he was very compliant, in an almost trance-like state as if he couldn’t really believe what was happening to him. Vanessa allowed me to put him into, and tie in a nice big bow, Penelope’s lovely big frilly pink satin pinny, and then made him kneel in front of her as she placed the matching mob cap on his head.
He stood in front of us looking absolutely crushed but his humiliation was not complete, Vanessa insisted he stood on a low stool and raised his skirt and pinny so that she could “adjust his petticoats”. I’m sure it wasn’t strictly necessary, but she was clearly enjoying her first experience of carrying out a petticoating and was determined to show the hapless Steve that he was totally under her control.
We then sat down and Vanessa very calmly explained to Steve, who was forced to stand before us, hands neatly folded in front of his pinny, the rules for his new lifestyle.
“Right, what we’re going to propose to Christine when she comes home, and you’re going to agree with me, is that from today, as she is the main earner in this household, you’re going to help out as a sort of house maid. I’m going to offer my services to manage your time, which will mean that whenever you’re not out working and earning money you’ll be put to work on the various jobs around the house that you’ve always considered to be her hers. I will be supervising you and you will, of course, always be suitably attired for your role and once Christine has agreed to this, as I’m sure she will, on your next day off we shall go to town and buy you some suitable clothing, similar to what you’re wearing now, so that you can return these lovely clothes that Lesley has loaned you.
“When you are at your business, in fact at all times, you will wear ladies’ underwear so that any thought of any sexual adventuring will be out of the question. When you’re in the house it will be up to Christine to decide what she’d like you to wear, I suspect that will depend on how pleased she is with your general behaviour. Now, we’re going to spend the rest of the day training you for your new position, I think we’ll start with teaching you to curtsey respectfully to ladies at all times.”
Poor Steve looked completely subjugated as he stood there with, I’m sure, a trace of a tear in his eyes. He had tried a couple of times to interrupt as Vanessa issued her edict but her look and tone had quickly dissuaded him. I had to admire the way her firm, positive action had so quickly got this arrogant young man under control, and completely subject to her will. And what a clever idea to insist that when not working he would always be carrying out his maid servant duties – he would certainly be making more effort to get work in the future. He was soon practising his curtsies, very awkwardly at first but eventually quite passably. Again I felt this was an excellent way to start his training, making this so feminine and so subservient gesture was a sure way to remind him of his new menial status.
The rest of the day passed with him learning some new skills – hoovering and dusting, ironing, preparing and serving us a light meal and washing up, all things that Vanessa was determined would become his normal duties. It was delightful to see him mincing around (Vanessa insisted he walked in a “proper feminine manner”), the taffeta of the petticoats and pinny of Penelope’s original punishment outfit rustling delightfully to his extreme chagrin, and being chided if he did not remember to curtsey prettily on entering or leaving the room.
Eventually, about an hour before Christine was due home, I left as Vanessa quite rightly felt that the introduction to Christine of her “new look husband” should be a private family matter. We had already rehearsed Steve’s introduction to his wife in his new role and ensured that he was word-perfect in what he was to say and do. He was left in no doubt that any departure from his agreed script would be met with immediate exposure of the real reason he was in this predicament, but given the ultra-compliant state into which we had got him I felt that any form of rebellion was extremely unlikely. Vanessa thanked me profusely for my part in the solution to the “Steve problem” but I was quick to assure her that, once she had accepted my original idea I could not have done any better myself in carrying out the petticoating. We parted with her assurance that she would keep me informed of the events of the rest of the day and of subsequent progress, and that if all went to plan she would invite me back soon to see for myself the results of our strategy.
I drove home feeling very uplifted that I had been able to be party to the bringing under petticoat discipline of such an obviously wayward husband. I have now received a call from Vanessa inviting me to visit next week, I’ll write again with an account of that visit.
Very best wishes,
Dear Susan,
I wrote to you recently regarding the very successful petticoating of my friend Vanessa’s errant son-in-law, Steve, and promised to update you following my next visit.
As I explained, Vanessa had invited me along to her daughter Christine’s house, and when my ringing of the doorbell was answered I was greeted with a sight to gladden the heart of anyone who believes, as we do, in the value of petticoat discipline.
There, looking very sheepish indeed, stood a very smartly-uniformed house maid, except, of course that it was a male house maid. Steve was wearing a neat knee-length black skirt, a crisp white cotton blouse, nicely frilled down the front and at the collar and cuffs, with a neat little white waitress apron secured with a big bow at his waist. His outfit was completed by black stockings, and very functional black court shoes.
He was wearing discreet but clearly noticeable eye make-up and lipstick, and his hair was held in place by a pretty white frilly Alice band. As I looked him up and down slowly, with him looking absolutely traumatised, I caught sight of Vanessa watching from the lounge with a smile playing on her lips.
“My, what a smart house maid you make, Steve” I teased, “I bet Christine must be really proud of you. Vanessa must have trained you well, I’m sure she’ll tell me all about it.”
He looked as if he was about to burst into tears when Vanessa interrupted my teasing, “There, Stevie, I told you that answering the door to callers wouldn’t be a problem, you’ll be fine when Chris’s friends come tonight.”
With that, as a look of desperation crossed his face, she despatched him to the kitchen, having had him first ask whether I wanted tea or coffee and execute a nice little curtsey, on which I complimented him sweetly. I’m afraid I couldn’t resist the temptation to give a pat to his pert little skirted bottom as he departed, much to Vanessa’s amusement.
Vanessa was clearly bursting to tell me all about ‘Stevie’s’ progress. On the day of his inaugural petticoating, described in my previous letter, Vanessa’s daughter had arrived home and, after recovering from her initial amazement, had been delighted with the new housemaid presented to her by her mother, and had really proved to be her mother’s daughter in the firm way she had dismissed her husband’s pleas for clemency.
They had made their plans for the ‘new girl’ there and then that evening. Christine had decided that, unlike my own regime with dear Penelope, there would be no pretence at femininity. Steve would not wear a wig but at all times when ‘on duty’ would appear as a thoroughly petticoated man, completely turned out as a be-frilled housemaid. He would also not have a female name, the diminutive ‘Stevie’ being felt to be very humiliating for the male Steve.
It was decided that the following weekend they would visit charity shops in a nearby town, where it was unlikely anyone would know them, and kit Stevie out with suitable clothes for his new role. Vanessa gave a hilarious account of how Stevie, to the amused bewilderment of the shop ladies, was compelled to try on various outfits until several items, including the outfit he was wearing today, were purchased. He was then taken to Marks & Spencer where he had to purchase for himself, to his intense embarrassment, bras, knickers and slips, which Vanessa laughingly told me were the prettiest and most feminine they could find.
Over the next few weeks his training had continued and, as had been hoped, his attempts to secure jobs for his business had strangely increased to great levels to avoid ‘house maid days’ when he wasn’t working. He was now a very competent house maid, Vanessa assured me, and also making a far more significant contribution to the family budget, which she said with a smile means they’ve got more money to spend as you’ll see in a minute.
He certainly had no time now to pursue his suspected womanising activities. To this end, she went on to explain that Christine and her had identified a small group of ladies known to them with whom, they felt, Steve had shown rather too much interest in the past. Now, Vanessa said with a satisfied smirk, that would all change as they had been invited round for a cards evening that night, and Steve was to serve them “in all his glory” as Vanessa put it. That was why he was looking so panic-stricken, she explained, there was little chance of him “trying to get his way with any of them after what we’ve got planned for him tonight – though they might want to employ him.” she giggled. He had, of course, begged and pleaded to avoid this ultimate humiliation but, as Vanessa said, there was no chance of letting him off the hook now.
With that Stevie reappeared with the coffee tray and did a very competent job of serving us. When finished he was complimented on his work, and then Vanessa asked him to please fetch the outfit I had loaned him previously. He curtsied smartly and left the room soon returning with Penelope’s famous frilly pink outfit, beautifully pressed, ready for me to take back. Whilst he was out Vanessa smilingly told me how he hated wearing the heavily frilled outfit, and how they loved to tease him as the taffeta petticoats and pinafore rustled sweetly as he worked.
Vanessa looked quizzically at him “Well,” she started, “You know what you’ve got to ask Lesley now that you’re earning all this money, you want to buy yourself a nice present don’t you?” He looked pleadingly at her and started to protest but was soon silenced. Biting his lip, he curtsied forlornly to me and spoke quietly, “My mistress likes the way I look in the uniform you kindly loaned me and wonders whether your friend who made it would make a similar one for me, please. My mistress says that I would pay very well as I’m only allowed to use my pocket money for clothes now.”
I giggled he looked quite crestfallen. “Ros doesn’t do much dressmaking now,” I replied as his look brightened, “but in this case I’m sure she would be happy to make an exception – after all it’s such fun doing this sort of thing. I’ll call Vanessa and make arrangements for Ros and I to come to take your measurements and for your mistress to choose which pretty colour she’d like her maid in.”
“Excellent,” said Vanessa with a smile, “as soon as possible please.” Steve looked completely mortified, the thought of this new torment for the moment even causing him to forget what lay in store for him on his ‘debut’ that evening.
I’ll keep you informed of further developments.
Best regards to all,