Hello beautiful people!!
I’ll try to respond to your questions/comments from what I can recall about the event.
I’m hindsight, I should have followed them as far as I could before they drove off. It would have been interesting to see if both teens sat in the back seat or if just the boy did and his sister sat up front. Who knows!
Miss ATT- it’s also interesting you say I should go back next week at the same time. I go to this store quite often and I have never seen this trio before, so I don’t know if maybe they were on a road trip and had to make a stop at the next supermarket asap. Again, who knows! I would love to see them again one day.
Huberthowhow- I’m positive they were both of driving age, both seemed High School students. Who was older? I couldn’t tell you! Sorry.
Conway- I love that shirt you shared, it’s making me chuckle. The poor guy must been shivering wearing that out. I need to get Marcus out more, he doesn’t like going shopping and running errands with me!
The teen boy appeared to be wearing normal male clothes, maybe he was wearing something feminine underneath but I couldn’t tell. He was acting boisterous at the start so I don’t think he would have been acting out if he had on anything girly. The risk of his Mother or god forbid, his Sister mentioning anything of the sort in public where it was earshot of me or anyone else would make any boy quiet and well-behaved in the store.
As for the funny spatula comment the young girl made, I think it was a golden opportunity she saw to make fun of her brother. Clearly, a Sibling rivalry between them. Then again, one has to think maybe it wasn’t a joke, maybe this Mother has indeed spanked her son using a spatula before!! Once the comment was made he did get super quiet and embarrassed afterwards and so there might be truth that this has happened and that his sister witnessed it!
Hope this highlights more info and if anyone has more questions I’ll try to get to them when I can.
Take care!