Author Topic: Can we agree for a sex name for the men being feminized in the future.  (Read 4809 times)


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I would like to know if we can agree to a name to use for previous males, who has been feminized in order to serve us mistresses.
I don't think we can call them males nor females, so something in between. In my opinion it will be rude and degrading just to call them "it".

My own suggestion is initiated by whyguys and is "malette".

Please let me have your opinions and possible suggestions.

Kind regards

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Will need to think about this some more. I do like the idea of the name ending "tte" Would this expand for the plural of mentte or would boy become boytte. Speaking of names, what about titles. Never really liked the term male wife or sissy wife. Sissy husbands are OK but somehow does not really capture the full picture may be of a man's new status.
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I really like the term "boyt", but I think that adding an "e" to make it "boyette" coincides better with the ultimate goal of becoming a "malette".

So the definition of a "boyette" is someone whose goal in life will be to be taken over by a woman and become her "malette".

In today's world, a family consists of:
boy, girl, husband and wife.

In the coming world it will look like this
boyette, girl, malette and woman.

So only when a boyette is taken over by a new woman will he leave his family and become the new owner's malette.

Of course, this is just a proposal and will require being worked out by an expert group to end up as something all women can accept.
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There was just something that struck me; in connection with all major changes, there have always been conservative groups that would not keep up with development and who will maintain what they have always considered to be the only way to live.
We must also take this into account when introducing GRR.

It will probably create too many problems to let that kind live amongst us, so there must be special places for that kind of people, just as there are for Amish people in Pensylvania today.

In a way, it would be nice that there was a place we could take our daughters to show them what life has been and still could have been if some aggressive women had not taken hold of the development.
Then they can also see how lucky they are with a malette to provide their necessities instead of a beer-beloved man.
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The term malette and boyette are starting to grow on me. The most important thing is males feeling submissive and admitting their are malette and boyette.

You bring up good points about conservative groups and isolating them. I would advocate for an island pretty isolated so they can't interfere with normal society. We could also keep a small part of the world locked down. O course now you have my evil radical feminist mind working. What if we had raids on the island where we liberate women or capture so called macho males to reform. We could also alter certain environmental elements such as drinking water or food so that over time the new girls being born a stronger and the male children are week and frail.
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I would suggest that only the most radical should be isolated, while the wiser should be referred to live in enclaves, first and foremost to be shown to our daughters, as described above, but also to give the girls, who are born into these families, a chance to see how their lives could be if they broke with their family and moved to the better world.

I like the idea of researching chromosome technology to strengthen different characteristics of both girls and boyettes, but I don't like the idea of weakening the boyettes, we should rather reinforce the feminine characteristics of them so that we can get the best possible material to work with when we develop the mallettes, and a mallette need strength so they can perform their chores in the most efficient way.


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Personally I prefer to call mine by sissy, it reinforces her place in household and emphasizes the fact she is a wanna be man and is just a subservient sissy.
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I am not married to any terms. The important part is the woman is in charge and decides what to call her male. The male (sissy) obeys without question, dresses, and behaves as in told.


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That is my view as well, I cqn call the sissy whatever I feel like.


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Strict, love to hear more about your journey and experiences working with sissies.


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My experience is only aeound 8 or 9 months here. Started because she couldnt stop masturbating to p,orn.


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Yes, too many males have that nasty habit. You are doing him a favor by turning him into a sissy and curing him of that nasty habit. What are your long term goals for your sissy?
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I think that she may be cuckolded at some point. I personally would love to see her sexually pleasing a real man at some point. Any thoughts on that?

Margo Paige

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Two thoughts on this.
First, if you should marry your sissy, he/she takes on your last name. And as a couple you should be introduced as we are "Mrs. and Misster Margo Paige. Or better yet, Ms. and Misty Margo Paige. Your sissy's name should always be last and diminutive.
Ms. Paige 💄💋
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Malette seems nice for men but maybe for boys or younger men the term "Mansel" could distinguish the younger and unmarried.
It would a form of the term "damsel" used in times past to denote unmarried or young girls.
An example would be if two women saw a younger male unescorted one could ask the other, "Whose Mansel is that? And why is he without a guardian escorting him?"
Just throwing it out there....
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